MUWG leadership and its members recognize the value that vendors provide to the successful use of Maximo. We believe we maintain an excellent reputation with the vendors that have been involved with our conferences. As we move to improving our relationships, MUWG is looking for a selected few companies that can benefit by sponsoring the MUWG organization. The MUWG Vendor Sponsorship Program provides greater opportunities for both the vendors and members.
If you have an interest in joining MUWG, please complete the New Vendor Registration form and return it to Rick Ulrich via email. Your email address will be added to our vendor distribution list.
The registration form is for Vendors that are new to MUWG.
A few months prior to a conference, a “Call for Presentations” email will be sent out. Vendors that know of utility clients with “Best Practice” experiences related to the conference theme should encourage them to submit their speaker proposal(s) to Clay Cook via email. MUWG’s policy is that vendors cannot be the main presenter, they can assist their utility client but someone from the utility must be the one to commit to presenting.
Before we open up registration for a conference, you will receive an email asking for a commitment to sponsor. Answer the email ASAP as vendor sponsorships fill up quickly. We usually have room for approximately 32 vendors to exhibit. If we run out of exhibiting room, vendors can still participate as a non-exhibiting vendor, which is our Bronze level sponsorship. Your reply email holds a spot for you at the conference. You will then receive an invoice, which can be paid by check or credit card. Review the Vendor Sponsorship Program for benefit information on each level of sponsorship.
When registration opens, visit our registration page to register. Each level of sponsorship includes one free pass. When the free pass person registers, he/she should choose “One Free Vendor Pass” as the mode of payment. When that registration is received, the fee will be removed and a paid receipt will be sent. Everyone attending the conference must register online. Payment can made by credit card or an invoice can be requested and later paid by check.
As a participating Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsor, your company will be recognized on the MUWG Website Vendor page for six months and in the Conference GuideBook. If you are a food sponsor, you will also be recognized on the Conference Agenda. Platinum Sponsors are recognized on MUWG’s Home page as well.